Thursday, March 27, 2025

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Melatih Aimee

5 orang pot pet

Aimee hujung minggu ni sedang dalam latihan untuk ditinggalkan.. Termasuk malam ini, sudah 2 malamlah dia tidur dengan mertua sia. Kesian sia tengok dia…. Malam tadi, susah jugaklah dia mau tidur.. Asyik terbangun terbangun & menangis/merengek. Last sekali, ayahnya jugak terpaksa tidurkan… Sedih sia, tapi terpaksa buat-buat ndak dengar =( Malam ni mau cuba kami berdua pulak langsung ndak dekat. Uwaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!

Dia pulak macam tau-tau jak yang dia mau kenak tinggal. Kebelakangan ni memang macam ndak mau berenggang dengan sia. Susah betul dia mau dengan orang. Manalah hati seorang mama ndak meruntun kan tengok anak macam tu? Sia punya tahap sedih tu sampai ada terfikir mau berhenti daripada kerajaan jak… Mungkin sesetengah orang rasa macam ndak masuk akal kan sampai terfikir macam tu sekali? Tapi, percayalah! Itulah yang sia terfikir kebelakangan ni. Walaupun sia jarang banyak masa bersama Aimee, tapi bonding antara kami memang sangat kuat!

Ini pun sia sedang bersembunyi dalam bilik sambil dengar dia main-main di luar.. Sia Sedihhhhhhh =(

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Be strong ya sayang!

4 orang pot pet
I’m still in a very sad mode today =(

I called the secretariat of the induction courses this morning. And sadly, they given me no solution. Instead, she even end up saying this “Puan, semua orang ada masalah & tahu macam mana nak selesaikan. Takkan semata-mata sebab puan kursus ni kena tukar venue. Dan kami di sini hanya nak tahu samada puan nak pergi atau tak jer. Bukan tempat puan nak luahkan masalah”. Their statement makes me even sadder.

I don’t blame them for saying this to me. I understood what they feeling. They are only a secretariat. If I were at their shoes, I might say the same thing as they said to me. But, I’m thinking of how gov will do for this kind of situation in future. They were now encouraging mommies to breastfeed their babies, but they have forgotten to look into this kind of problem faced by those breastfeeding mommies.. I’m so sad & disappointed!

Now I know why a mother of a baby feels so upset if they have to be apart from their baby. It’s not that they upset of thinking of themselves have to be apart from the baby, but they thinking of the babies, whether they can survive if their mother wasn’t around or not. They were to small to understand all these.

Some of you might think on why I don't bring Aimee along? FYI, this time around, the courses will be held in some sort of camp or what so ever in a very rural area, which was very far from town. Due to that, I don’t have any choice to bring Aimee due to lodging problem. More over, the courses will be full time from early in the morning to midnight includes Saturday & Sunday.

So, as for now, I have no choice but to be gamble to attend the courses and praise to Allah that Aimee can survive. If suddenly in the middle of the courses she can’t, then I have no choice but to pull off.

Dear Aimee sayang,

So sorry because mama have to leave you this time. Be strong ya sayang.. Mama love you so much! But, mama has no choice. Mama have to go… This is for our own good in future.

-Your Mama who love you so much!-

p/s: it's been so long since I feel this sad =(

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Good became bad =(

8 orang pot pet
Remember this entry? Haih! This week is like remembering old posts mode….

The good news suddenly changed to a bad one =(

Actually, that day I got to know that I’ve been chosen to attend an induction courses. At first the secretariat said that the induction will be held somewhere in KL, to be exact somewhere in my office area (due to budget restriction). Since I still breastfeed Aimee, I feel so relieved to hear the news. At least I don’t have to be apart from her at night, because Aimee usually had problem at night if I’m not around. I admit that I never leave her for any courses yet since I deliver her on July last year. I’ve tried once on last year. And guess what happen?

She cries and cries and cries and cries, then overslept. After 1 hour, she suddenly woke up and cries and cries and cries again, then again overslept. That situation continues over and over again until 3am in the morning, and then only she oversleeps when she was very tired of crying.

Today, I received the letter and been shocked with the venue stated inside the letter “Raub, Pahang” OMG! I can’t imagine what will happen to Aimee =(

Can she survive? FYI, to make things worst, hubby at the same time also have to go for the same course but at a different venue =(

I feel so pity to Aimee. Feel so sad & clueless on what should I do. Am looking at the letter & thinking of a solution.

Help me peeps on any suggestion on what should I do? Because,

1st: this was my 2nd offer (1st offer I have to reject due to my preggy condition). So, I don’t think they will allow me to reject the offer anymore or they won’t give me any chances to attend the courses in future.

2nd: is because I’m hoping so much to finish this courses ASAP to get that “cap jari kering” title (I bet gov staffs should understood this one).

3rd: is, if I were to reject the offer again, the secretariat can’t guarantee me that the next session will be held in KL area.

OK, as for now, I take it this way. Everything happen for a reason…. (as usual….) Good or bad, I can’t judge it now….

Ya Allah! Give me your guidance pleaseeee! I rely on YOU..

Monday, February 22, 2010

The cert & Bank Rakyat credit card

5 orang pot pet
Remember this entry? NOthing much to share.... Only the proof of it. Jeng jeng jeng,......
Presenting the cert!


I'm proud of myself! (Masuk bakul angkat sendiri! muahahahha) Hey! It's not easy to get this cert ok! Lot of people out there have to re-sit all the papers especially the Paper 2 & 4. OMG! I'm the chosen one... Keh keh keh....

To Niizar (if you reading this): Good luck beb! Memandangkan aku dah lulus, tak susah mana pun... Saja bakar semangat ko... Hehhehehehe

Oh ya, another one, remember this entry about the bank rakyat credit card? I've activated my credit card! They were serious about waiving the government service tax, provided I use the credit card at least once a year. Good! So, it's time for me to say goodbye to my direct access credit card.. Huhhuhuu.. So, guys, what are u waiting for? Apply Bank Rakyat credit card to avoid you from paying the service tax... Cheh! I should receive commision from Bank Rakyat for promoting their credit card.. Heeee...........

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sibuk yang amat!

3 orang pot pet
Sibuk betul kebelakangan ni. Sibuk dengan macam-macam... dengan keluarga, kerja dan semestinya dengan perniagaan online yang semakin berkembang.. Alhamdulillah... Sambutan pun makin menggalakkan... Cuma masa jak ndak cukup untuk menambahkan stok-stok terbaru... Minggu depan pun bakal sibuk dengan orang kawin merata-rata... Uish!

Cuti panjang Tahun Baru Cina hari tu bercuti ke PD dengan keluarga hubby. Aimee ndak berenang lah sebab bukan main punya ramai manusia di kolem renang Glory Beach Resort tuh... Lagipun, ndak mau ambil risiko.. Takut dia demam lagi...

Hujung minggu ni pulak, kami bawak Aimee berjalan-jalan jumpa saudara mara belah sia di Serdang. Seronok & kepenatan minah kumari tu... Kadang-kadang meragam sebab gigi mau tumbuh.. Nasib lah mama glam ini bakal merasakan penangan gigi baru Aimee minggu depan.. Huhuhuhu.... Takutttt!

Ok lah. Banyak betul yang mama glam mau tulis tapi ndak berkesempatan... Laptop hubby pulak rosak.. Ni pun terpaksa tumpang komputer di rumah mertua... Huhuhuu... Lain kali ada masa, sia update lagi k!

Sebagai penutup, layan gambar Aimee yang tidur di kerusi belakang kereta kesayangan mama glam yang comel itu... Kecil-kecil pun, lena wei!

Berminat? Layari reDuit! reDuit!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Mama glam telah lulus dengan jayanya!

2 orang pot pet
Dengarlah dunia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mama glam ini telah lulus dengan jayanya keempat-empat kertas Peperiksaan Pegawai Keselamatan & Kesihatan NIOSH!

Alhamdulillah...... Berbaloi pengorbanan mama glam selamaa ini... Ndak dapat RM6500 daripada Fly FM pun ndak apalah... (haish! tapi, kalau dapat bonus jugak tuh.. ehehhehe...)

Disebabkan itu, mama glam ini ingin mengucapkan terima kasih pada banyak pihak (cheh! macam dapat anugerah bintang popular pulak)

Terima kasih pada DIA kerana telah memberkati segala usaha mama glam ini... Rasa sangat-sangat bersyukur yang tidak terhingga....

Terima kasih yang tidak terhingga juga pada Abang yang banyak berkorban sepanjang mama huru-hara pasal exam ni selama lebih kurang 3 bulan...

Terima kasih pada mamak dengan bapak, atuk dengan nenek & adik2 k ica yang telah mendoakan... k Ica hargai sangat2...

Terima kasih pada anak kesayangan mama sebab tidak banyak karenah sepanjang mama sibuk...

Terima kasih pada mama, abah, opah & keluarga mertua yang banyak menolong menjagakan Aimee & ayahnya sepanjang 3 bulan tersebut...

Terima kasih pada rakan-rakan seperjuangan dalam peperiksaan ni terutamanya kak Mas, Norman, Anuar, Rashidi, Kak Fadhilah, Kak Yati dan banyak lagi yang pasti tidak cukup untuk disenaraikan di sini...

Terima kasih pada rakan sekerja di pejabat sebab tidak mengganggu sepanjang sibuk dengan peperiksaan ni... ehehhehe.. Bos jugaklah kan sebab memahami...

Dan terakhir sekali pada mana-mana pihak yang mungkin terlibat secara langsung atau tidak... (cheh! ni macam dalam folio sekolah la pulak.. hehehhehe)

Terima kasih semua! Mama glam ini cukup gumbira ok! Rasa macam mau bernyanyi keriangan sambil menari... lalallalala... (jAcq, I really need u to guide me on this ok.. miss u pulak...)

p/s: Abang, apa lagi, fikir2kan lah mana nak makan?

I hate Ben!

0 orang pot pet
I hate Ben, Nadia & Fat Fabes!

Remember this entry about the Fly FM brain teaser?

A Malay girl has won the RM6500 this morning! OMG! So much of money man!

U knows what is the answer? It was BEN!

I can’t think of the logical ok! I don’t agree with the answer… I thought they said the answer is thing right? BEN not a thing but human ok!

Ahhhh…. What ever it is, the money was theirs… Agree or not, doesn’t affect anything on them… huh!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Very little time...

0 orang pot pet
Lot of things to be shared lately but very little time to share….

I wrapped up some of them here:

1. I and Aimee attended Melana’s reunion on last Saturday. For full story and Aimee's pics in the pool, refer to K ina’s blog. She had explained everything here (Halal eik k Ina! tq!)

2. I busy attending courses at INTAN until tomorrow. Until today, I feel so grateful to be one of the chosen person among how many people that applied for this courses. Really helps me to give clearer picture about my current work. Alhamdulillah….Below is photos of my new friend.
From left: Laily, Niza & of course the Mama Glam =)

3. Due to very tight schedule for the courses in (2), I experienced engorged breasts on Tuesday. I don’t have time to pump it out in the morning. Plus the lecturer end the morning session very late, at about 1pm… I tell you, feels like a very hard stone or some other people called it BOLA API! So painful ok!
4. Aimee suddenly got fever last night which is really made me so worry. This was her 1st time since she was born. Doc advised us not to take her for swimming until she knows how to blow her nose. Feel like a bit sad and guilty about this. Big thanks to my in law for being there, since I can’t take leave due to the courses that I mentioned in (2) (they even take one day off purposely to take care Aimee today). Terima kasih Mama & Abah!

5. Last but not least, my sales blog got 3 updates since the last update that I mentioned here in my blog. What's new?
- We have gorgeous washable chiffon kain pasang with crystal stone, plain lycra hijab (with songket awning, thai silk awning & lycra awning), design hijab (with thai silk awning, shantung awning & lycra awning), crystal brooches, pearl brooches, crystal & pearl bracelet and studs for Baju Melayu
- We offer you a package of chiffon kain pasang matched with plain lycra hijab at a cheaper
- We introduced bonus point system which you can redeem to get discount for your next purchase.
- We offer you to be our reseller
- We give your guidance on how to take care of your hijab
- We give promotion of RM1 discount for purchase paid within 24 hrs
- We offer free postage for some situation like buy 5 hijabs or more...

Who knows there is something that you might be interested on? So guys, feel free to visit reDuit! reDuit! We sell quality stuffs at very reasonable price that you won't get at any other sales blog! So, grab it fast!

That’s all for today's entry… I need to sleep now as tomorrow will be my last day of the courses at INTAN. Hopefully I can wake up earlier to avoid the traffic jammed at PJ. Chao chin chao guys!

Friday, February 5, 2010

RM50 service tax for credit card

3 orang pot pet
Last month, I received one letter from Direct Access. When I opened the letter, I saw a Platinum credit card inside. I was like, why the sent me this credit card? I had never apply…

After questioning myself then only I realize this one piece of paper that attached together with that Platinum credit card. Then only I knew that the Platinum credit card was offered freely to me sort of like token of appreciation for being their loyal or what so ever customer to them. I’m like ouhhhhhhh…… Ok, maybe I should call the CSR officer to ask for the benefits of holding this Platinum credit card.

Then, I call the CSR officer…

While waiting to talk to the CSR officer, I suddenly overheard the machine operator saying something about RM50 annual service tax. Hmmm… Then I suddenly remembered the 2010 Budget tabling on end of last year. Haiyooooo….

Hoping that Direct Access will absorb the service tax for their customer, I ask for a clarification from their CSR officer. Sadly, they said they won’t absorb the service tax, instead offering customer to use their bonus point to pay them. Erkkkk? I don’t think I have enough bonus point to pay the tax…. Besides, I had planned to redeem something that more valuable than to use them to pay that tax!

Call me stingy or whatsoever… I don’t mind… I admit I am so stingy when comes to paying anything to the credit card provider. Be it that tax, interest or annual fee. That’s why I only use credit card that offered free for life from annual fee and always pay my credit card bill on time, although I have to dig my savings to pay them! I won’t let banks to get my money freely, not even a penny ok!

Ok, back to that RM50 annual service tax issue. 1 week after I made the call to Direct Access CSR officer, Bank Rakyat offered me their Islamic credit card. If I’m not mistaken, this was not the 1st time that I get this kind of offer. Last time, I never think twice and will look at them and say “ Sorry…. Saya dah ada kad kredit. Terima kasih” But, this time, I ask them “kredit kad ni ada kena bayar yang RM50 service tax tu tak?” Surprisingly, they said NO! I like, really? I then quickly apply the credit card, and now waiting for the credit card to be arrived. In their brochure I didn’t see anything stated that they will waive the tax. But, who cares. I have the contact no of the girl and her full name. And she also convinced me that she’s not lying. Hopefully they don’t bluff me.

Hmmm…. I have another 4 months before I terminate my Direct Access credit card. To be honest, I like the credit card so much. I never had any problem using them, be it the master or the visa. And I’m satisfied whenever I talked to their CSR officer through phone for any issues regarding my credit card. But what to do? We just not meant to be together anymore, just because that RM50 SERVICE TAX! I HATE IT SO MUCH TO PAY THAT TAX OK!


To Direct Access credit card provider,

If you reading this and could consider to waive the tax for me, please feel free to re-offer me ya! I would gladly like the offer and really want to be your customer again. Tq!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mama tidak pernah menyesal nak....

Orang kata, anak itu fitnah. Ya! Mama glam ini telah melalui sebahagian... Macam mana pun, mama glam sentiasa berpegang pada kata-kata ini

"Setiap yang berlaku pasti ada hikmahnya"

Aimee sayang....


Mama tidak pernah menyesal bentuk badan mama lari kerana telah mengandungkanmu nak...

Mama tidak pernah menyesal bentuk rahim mama lari kerana telah melahirkanmu nak...

Mama tidak pernah menyesal buah dada mama melayut kerana menyusukanmu nak...

Mama tidak pernah menyesal tidak mempunyai masa yang cukup untuk tidur setelah kehadiranmu nak...

Mama tidak pernah menyesal berhabis wang ringgit setelah kehadiranmu nak...

Dan mama tidak pernah menyesal segala susah senang yang perlu mama lalui setelah kehadiranmu nak...

Ketahuilah olehmu Aimee mama sayang....

Mama telah cuba sebaik yang mungkin untuk membahagiakanmu... berkongsi kasih sayangmu...

Maafkanlah mama sekiranya semua yang telah/akan mama curahkan padamu tidak cukup/ kurang pada matamu...

Dan ketahuilah olehmu Aimee mama sayang...

Walau apa pun yang terjadi, Mama sayang sangat2 pada Aimee... Aimee lah buah hati pengarang jantung hati mama & ayah... We love you sayang!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


3 orang pot pet
Saying pleaseeeee is so easy…

But to pleaseeeee everybody is not an easy task.

I’m sad, disappointed!

Berapa hb?

Tik tok tik tok....

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