Lot of things to be shared lately but very little time to share….
I wrapped up some of them here:
1. I and Aimee attended Melana’s reunion on last Saturday. For full story and Aimee's pics in the pool, refer to K ina’s blog. She had explained everything
here (Halal eik k Ina! tq!)
2. I busy attending courses at INTAN until tomorrow. Until today, I feel so grateful to be one of the chosen person among how many people that applied for this courses. Really helps me to give clearer picture about my current work. Alhamdulillah….Below is photos of my new friend.
From left: Laily, Niza & of course the Mama Glam =)

3. Due to very tight schedule for the courses in (2), I experienced engorged breasts on Tuesday. I don’t have time to pump it out in the morning. Plus the lecturer end the morning session very late, at about 1pm… I tell you, feels like a very hard stone or some other people called it BOLA API! So painful ok!

4. Aimee suddenly got fever last night which is really made me so worry. This was her 1st time since she was born. Doc advised us not to take her for swimming until she knows how to blow her nose. Feel like a bit sad and guilty about this. Big thanks to my in law for being there, since I can’t take leave due to the courses that I mentioned in (2) (they even take one day off purposely to take care Aimee today). Terima kasih Mama & Abah!
5. Last but not least, my sales blog got 3 updates since the last update that I mentioned here in my blog. What's new?
- We have gorgeous washable chiffon kain pasang with crystal stone, plain lycra hijab (with songket awning, thai silk awning & lycra awning), design hijab (with thai silk awning, shantung awning & lycra awning), crystal brooches, pearl brooches, crystal & pearl bracelet and studs for Baju Melayu
- We offer you a package of chiffon kain pasang matched with plain lycra hijab at a cheaper
- We introduced bonus point system which you can redeem to get discount for your next purchase.
- We offer you to be our reseller
- We give your guidance on how to take care of your hijab
- We give promotion of RM1 discount for purchase paid within 24 hrs
- We offer free postage for some situation like buy 5 hijabs or more...
Who knows there is something that you might be interested on? So guys, feel free to visit
reDuit! reDuit! We sell quality stuffs at very reasonable price that you won't get at any other sales blog! So, grab it fast!

That’s all for today's entry… I need to sleep now as tomorrow will be my last day of the courses at INTAN. Hopefully I can wake up earlier to avoid the traffic jammed at PJ. Chao chin chao guys!