I better story to you my activities during the last weekend.
On Friday, again I and my BFF, Puan Dongan went to Midvalley. At first, the purpose is to find a present for Aidan’s birthday (our beloved kak Ami’s son). So we got it! Other than that, I myself bought a new handbag! A bigger handbag of course!
[caption id="attachment_1740" align="aligncenter" width="180" caption="Didn\'t the SA so sporting to be the handbag\'s model before I even buy it?"]

Actually, I did feel guilty in buying this handbag. But, what can I do? I couldn’t stand the temptation! Uwaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! I feel so pity to hubby. He keeps saying that he needs new shoes, new shirts, new pants and some other new stuff for himself. But, in the end, he always end up buying his wife a new stuffs that some of them maybe necessary, and some might be not. So, after buying this new handbag, I’m now telling myself that “I’m going to stop buying more stuff for myself after this, for let say, 5 months?” Chaiyok Amisah! (p/s to Puan Dongan: Tolong ingatkan aku ek kalau kita gi mall lagi :cool: ).
On Saturday afternoon, I and hubby went to MBO to watch Confession of Shopaholic. Verdict? Ok lah... Got some humours. But all in all, I would say, too moderate... Not as expected.

Then, we head to Ampang Point. There’s a warehouse sale for baby’s stuffs. So, we finally bought something for our expected baby. We grabbed 4 bodysuits, 2 baby sleepers, 2 sets of night wear, 6 pairs of baby socks, 2 baby blankets and 8 washcloths (come in 1 pack). We don’t know whether the buying is worth it or not. But, at least, we think we had did a good job that day in starting our buying for our baby’s (at least not for the mommy again kan?)
On evening, I and Puan Dongan again gathered. We went to Aidan’s first birthday’s bash celebration at HTO de Futsal at Subang. At first, we thought it will be very hard to find the place. But, surprisingly, we found the place so easily, without having to call the Tuan Rumah. Big claps to both of us! This time, we were so happy because all of us, ex-Melana had gathered without missing any of us! (Myself, Puan Dongan, Kak Ami, Kak Ina and Kak Fynn). I forgot to snap any photos (I busy eating the very nice satay. So yummy! :lol: ), but I promise to upload if I can cilok any of them from Dongan’s or Kak Ina’s or Kak Fynn’s blog. Halal eh korang?

[caption id="attachment_1749" align="aligncenter" width="320" caption="Birthday boy moody for the cake cutting?"]

[caption id="attachment_1750" align="aligncenter" width="320" caption="Ex-Melana (from left): Me, Dongan, kak Ami, Kak Fynn and Kak Ina"]

[caption id="attachment_1751" align="aligncenter" width="320" caption="Say hahahahhaha when your stomach full of super delicious satay! Hahahhahha...."]

At night, I and hubby gathered with my in laws and vote for the earth hour that night. Luckily my in laws did sporting to turn off the light for an hour that night! Vote for Earth Hour! And as usual, we lepaking watching the AF that night :cool: I and hubby so happy because finally they voted to kick Rini and Obri out that night. So, we don’t have to worry which one to be out first. They really deserved it! So sorry for their fans yerp!
On Sunday, we didn’t go anywhere. We joined small family gathering again in my in law’s house. This time, Pah Cu’s family and my SIL’s future fiancée also joined us. My FIL treated us with satay Kajang. Burpppppp! Due to my super hungriness that night, I also bought Kelfood burger which I couldn’t eat last night. So, I finally finish eat it up this morning as my big breakfast :mrgreen: