Thursday, March 27, 2025

Monday, March 30, 2009

Gathering Weekend

9 orang pot pet
This morning, I had a bad dream. So, as a consequences, my mood swings badly when I woke up to work. With an addition of thinking that I have to face my “beloved boss”. I’m sorry… I hate him so much! Full stop!

I better story to you my activities during the last weekend.

On Friday, again I and my BFF, Puan Dongan went to Midvalley. At first, the purpose is to find a present for Aidan’s birthday (our beloved kak Ami’s son). So we got it! Other than that, I myself bought a new handbag! A bigger handbag of course!

[caption id="attachment_1740" align="aligncenter" width="180" caption="Didn\'t the SA so sporting to be the handbag\'s model before I even buy it?"]Didn't the SA so sporting to be the handbag's model before I even buy it?[/caption]

Actually, I did feel guilty in buying this handbag. But, what can I do? I couldn’t stand the temptation! Uwaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! I feel so pity to hubby. He keeps saying that he needs new shoes, new shirts, new pants and some other new stuff for himself. But, in the end, he always end up buying his wife a new stuffs that some of them maybe necessary, and some might be not. So, after buying this new handbag, I’m now telling myself that “I’m going to stop buying more stuff for myself after this, for let say, 5 months?” Chaiyok Amisah! (p/s to Puan Dongan: Tolong ingatkan aku ek kalau kita gi mall lagi :cool: ).

On Saturday afternoon, I and hubby went to MBO to watch Confession of Shopaholic. Verdict? Ok lah... Got some humours. But all in all, I would say, too moderate... Not as expected.


Then, we head to Ampang Point. There’s a warehouse sale for baby’s stuffs. So, we finally bought something for our expected baby. We grabbed 4 bodysuits, 2 baby sleepers, 2 sets of night wear, 6 pairs of baby socks, 2 baby blankets and 8 washcloths (come in 1 pack). We don’t know whether the buying is worth it or not. But, at least, we think we had did a good job that day in starting our buying for our baby’s (at least not for the mommy again kan?)

On evening, I and Puan Dongan again gathered. We went to Aidan’s first birthday’s bash celebration at HTO de Futsal at Subang. At first, we thought it will be very hard to find the place. But, surprisingly, we found the place so easily, without having to call the Tuan Rumah. Big claps to both of us! This time, we were so happy because all of us, ex-Melana had gathered without missing any of us! (Myself, Puan Dongan, Kak Ami, Kak Ina and Kak Fynn). I forgot to snap any photos (I busy eating the very nice satay. So yummy! :lol: ), but I promise to upload if I can cilok any of them from Dongan’s or Kak Ina’s or Kak Fynn’s blog. Halal eh korang?



[caption id="attachment_1749" align="aligncenter" width="320" caption="Birthday boy moody for the cake cutting?"]Birthday boy moody for the cake cutting?[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1750" align="aligncenter" width="320" caption="Ex-Melana (from left): Me, Dongan, kak Ami, Kak Fynn and Kak Ina"]Ex-Melana (from left): Me, Dongan, kak Ami, Kak Fynn and Kak Ina[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1751" align="aligncenter" width="320" caption="Say hahahahhaha when your stomach full of super delicious satay! Hahahhahha...."]Say hahahahhaha when your stomach full of super delicious satay! Hahahhahha....[/caption]

At night, I and hubby gathered with my in laws and vote for the earth hour that night. Luckily my in laws did sporting to turn off the light for an hour that night! Vote for Earth Hour! And as usual, we lepaking watching the AF that night :cool: I and hubby so happy because finally they voted to kick Rini and Obri out that night. So, we don’t have to worry which one to be out first. They really deserved it! So sorry for their fans yerp!

On Sunday, we didn’t go anywhere. We joined small family gathering again in my in law’s house. This time, Pah Cu’s family and my SIL’s future fiancée also joined us. My FIL treated us with satay Kajang. Burpppppp! Due to my super hungriness that night, I also bought Kelfood burger which I couldn’t eat last night. So, I finally finish eat it up this morning as my big breakfast :mrgreen:

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Love Story by Taylor Swift

2 orang pot pet
As promised to Puan Nisa. Enjoy!

We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes
And the flashback starts
I'm standing there
On a balcony in summer air

See the lights
See the party, the ball gowns
I see you make your way through the crowd
And say hello, little did I know

That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you please don't go, and I said

Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story baby just say yes

So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew
So close your eyes
Escape this town for a little while

'Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
But you were everything to me
I was begging you please don't go and I said

Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story baby just say yes

Romeo save me, they try to tell me how to feel
This love is difficult, but it's real
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
It's a love story baby just say yes
Oh oh

I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you is fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town, and I said

Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring

And said, marry me Juliet
You'll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress
It's a love story baby just say yes

Oh, oh, oh, oh
'Cause we were both young when I first saw you

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A one day trip to KT?

0 orang pot pet
Today I and hubby just came back from a trip to Kuala Terengganu. Why on earth I’m there while I should attend an half day courses at my office?

Actually, yesterday evening, hubby suddenly SMS me and told me that he needs to go to one of the site at Dungun ASAP. What bugs my mind is when he says he has to make a one day trip alone. Could you imagine? A one day trip to Kuala Terengganu alone? 5 hours driving alone? Ridiculous!

I have this uneasy feeling when thinking about hubby driving alone to Terengganu. After so much thinking and considering, I decided to follow him. I know some of you maybe think I’m irresponsible in taking emergency leave while I have works to do at office. I admit I’m a bit distracted in deciding which to choose. But, I think I had chosen the right decision when I could see how tired hubby driving alone last night. I feel so grateful that I did the right decision though my boss a bit unhappy with my EL. I think, he better get mad than for me to feel sorry for myself for any bad thing that I could imagine happen if I let hubby drive to Terengganu alone.

Alhamdulillah, we arrived safely in KL at 9pm though we have to go through some funny but stupid experience in searching for hotel to be stayed in last night. Hahahhahaha…

Talking about the hotel, I and hubby at first planned to stay in Dungun. So, before depart form KL, we had surveyed some hotel in Dungun through internet. After considering the cost and the distance, we decided to choose one of the beach resorts in Dungun. So, we called up the resorts and informed them that we’ll be arrived there between 2.30am-3.00am in the morning.

Arrived there, we search for the resort. We parked our car in front of the resort and tried to call the reception. The line was engaged for quite some time. Fed up in trying, we rummage around for another resort or hotel nearby. We were so upset when that another resort also didn’t pick up the phone. So, we tried to call the first resort again. Get through!

Me: Hai hello! Saya yang call malam tadi kata nak check in pagi ni. Saya nak tanya, betul ke saya park kat depan resort tu? Kenapa macam tak ada orang? Kat mana saya kena check in?
Reception: Ya Puan. Betul, park kereta kat depan tu je. Lobi betul-betul kat depan tu je.
Me: Oh ye ke? Tapi, kenapa saya macam tak nampak ada kereta park kat depan tu? Memang tu tempat parking ker?
Reception: Ya Puan. Puan park depan tu. Saya tunggu depan lobi. :twisted:

At this time, I look at hubby and hubby look at me. We suddenly feel so scared when he say that because, that’s mean that maybe, nobody except us who check-in in that hotel. All of a sudden, both of us flashed back some of the horror movie about couple been killed in motel and hotel in deserted place. Arghhhhh! We better don’t let them do that to us!!!!!!!

Without considering other hotel or resort in Dungun, we then decided to head to KT, where finally we chose Hotel Seri Malaysia and sleep soundly that night.

The very next day, hubby storied about our last night’s experience to his colleague in KT. His friend told him, actually, that resort does provide parking for their guest just in front of their chalet after check-in in their hotel. That’s mean, that’s why we couldn’t see any car in front of their main entrance huh? Hahahhahahha… So paranoid of me and hubby! But again, we better be cautious than sorry right? :lol:

Monday, March 23, 2009

Weekend's wrapped up

4 orang pot pet
Wrapped up for last weekend stories?

La Senza’ Craziest Sale

Hahahhaha… Actually, I’m not a shopaholic type of women. But, on last Friday and Saturday, I am suddenly being a one. Why? I bought a lot a lot and a lot! From panties, bras, sleepwear and even a robe! And to make it look like worst, I even bought them from different branches.

On Friday afternoon, I went to Garden's branch with my colleagues, kak Lynn and my BFF and so called my new colleagues, Mrs Dongan! I bought 3 new bras :D Due to that craziness, we reached office just on time. Luckily I could make it for a meeting at 3pm on that evening :mrgreen:

On Friday night, I then begged hubby to drop me at KLCC after Maghrib. And again, I managed to buy something a bit! A bit only ok! 5 pieces of new panties with very reasonable price!

On Saturday afternoon, hubby accompanies me to go to Midvalley’s branch. This time was the craziest moment! Hahahahha…. I bought another 3 pieces of bras, 5 pieces of panties, 1 pair of sleepwear and 1 robe. Fuh! Hubby don’t have any words to say when looking at the paper bag :cool: Wellll…. I think I maybe could consider this as my 2nd years wedding anniversary’s present huh? Thanks you Abang!

Ok! Ok! Let me make it clear. Actually, I really need those things that I bought, since I’m now getting bigger and bigger at those ‘parts’ recently. Those who have a pregnancy’s experience should understand what I meant. So, I’m not a shopaholic right? Furthermore, I got it at very reasonable price (additional 25% discount) because I’m a Digi’s customer :D Now I know why I’m so loyal to Digi :lol:

Hafni Mawardah

What is it about? Actually, after so tired of shopping at Midvalley, I and hubby then headed to Klang to visit Angah (my ex-colleague’s niece). She just delivered to a very cute baby girl on 12 Mac 2008 named Hafni Mawardah. The baby was so small. She’s only 2.20kg! Very tiny and very cute to hold! Alhamdulillah, she managed to deliver the baby in a normal way.

[caption id="attachment_1742" align="aligncenter" width="240" caption="very tiny huh the baby?"]very tiny huh the baby?[/caption]

To Angah and hubby, congrates dear! Pray for me pulak ok! :D

Major House Spring Cleaning.

On Sunday, I and hubby didn’t go anywhere. We stayed at home and did a major spring cleaning to our home sweet home. Hubby helped me a lot on this! Thanks Abang! As for me, I could call this day is the most efficient day for me since hubby came back from the courses. I managed to box all the Baju Kurung that couldn’t fit me anymore in a really big box! Hmmmm…. At that time only I realized that I had a lot pairs of Baju Kurung in my wardrobe! Fuh! So tired packing all of them! Alhamdulillah…….. I only left to do the ironing works this week. Chaiyok Amisah!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Right Now (Nanana) by Akon

0 orang pot pet
Since I was very busy with my office works this week, enjoy the stone video clip guys. This is the best that I could find. Again, I just wanted to listen to his song anyway. So, no harm at all. Stone pun stone lah...

It's been so long
That I haven't seen your face
Tryin' to be strong
But the strength I have is washing away
Wont be long, before i get you by my side
And just hold you, tease you, squeeze you
Tell you what's been on my mind

I wanna make up right na na na
I wanna make up right na na na
Wish we never broke up right na na na
we need to link up right na na na

Repeat Chorus

Girl I know, mistakes were made between us two
And we showed our ass that night even said some things weren't true
I can't go and haven't seen my girl since then
why cant it be the way it was
cause you were my homie lover, and friend

Repeat Chorus
Repeat Chorus

I can't lie
I miss you much
Watching everyday that goes by
I miss you much
Till i get you back Im gonna cry
I miss you much
You are the apple in my eye
Girl I miss you much
I miss you much
I can't lie
I miss you much
Watching everyday that goes by
I miss you much
Till i get you back I m gonna cry
I miss you much
You are the apple in my eye
I miss you much
I miss you much

Repeat Chorus
Repeat Chorus

I want you to fly with me
want you to fly
I miss how you lie with me
miss you lie
I wish you could dine with me
wish you could dine
The one that will grind with me
The one that will grind with me

I want you to fly with me
want you to fly
I miss how you lie with me
miss how you lie
I wish you could dine with me
wish you could dine
The one that will grind with me The one that will grind

Repeat Chorus
Repeat Chorus

Monday, March 16, 2009

Ulangtahun Perkahwinan Yang ke-2

19 orang pot pet
16 Mac setiap tahun amat bermakna buat sia dengan hubby. Tarikh 16 Mac 2007 paling keramat sebab hari tu lah kami disatukan sebagai suami isteri. Alhamdulillah.....

[caption id="attachment_1704" align="aligncenter" width="250" caption="Antara persalinan untuk persandingan di Tawau"]Antara persalinan untuk persandingan di Tawau[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1705" align="aligncenter" width="188" caption="Berbaju bugis (pun di Tawau)"]Berbaju bugis (pun di Tawau)[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1706" align="aligncenter" width="376" caption="Antara penghibur paling sporting di majlis persandingan kami malam tu. Tima kasih banyak2 korang sebab sudi datang jejauh! Appreciate sangat2!"]Antara penghibur paling sporting di majlis persandingan kami malam tu. Tima kasih banyak2 korang sebab sudi datang jejauh! Appreciate sangat2![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1707" align="aligncenter" width="250" caption="Raja sehari (majlis menyambut menantu di KL)"]Raja sehari (majlis menyambut menantu di KL)[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1708" align="aligncenter" width="376" caption="Acara potong kek"]Acara potong kek[/caption]

Tahun ni, kami tidak ke mana-mana menyambut ulangtahun perkahwinan kami. Keluar makan-makan pun tidak, keluar dating mating pun tidak. Sebab, masing-masing macam ndak ada mood dan ndak ada idea mau makan apa. Dan dengan keadaan bini yang cepat penat ni, langsung lepak di rumah jak lah. Hadiah pun kami tidak adakan tahun ni. Ndak ada keperluan apa-apa yang boleh dijadikan hadiah tahun ni. Jadik, makan-makan dan hadiah kami simpan sehingga kami terasa mau makan dan terasa ada keperluan untuk mengadakan hadiah. Dasar kedukut kan! hehehehhhe.... Ooopppsss! Bukan.... Jimat... nguah ngguah nguah... Buat apa beli kalau ndak ada keperluan kan? Dapat ciuman daripada hubby tiap-tiap hari pun lebih daripada cukup! So plain of us kan? Kami memang mengaku pun!

Jadinya, untuk tidak membiarkan hari itu berlalu seperti hari-hari biasa, kami raikan dengan sebiji kek coklat yang yummy untuk dikongsi bersama keluarga. Alhamdulillah…..

Telah 2 tahun sia dengan hubby bergelar suami isteri. Banyak rintangan dan dugaan yang kami tempuh selama 2 tahun ni. Suka, duka.... Gaduh, berbaik... Dan yang paling penting, perkahwinan kami akhirnya lebih diberkati dengan penantian cahaya mata kami yang pertama, insya Allah pada bulan Julai tahun ini.. Alhamdulillah....

Terlalu banyak yang hubby telah berkorban untuk sia selama 2 tahun kami bersama. Sia betul2 hargai! Ndak terucap dengan kata-kata. Terlalu banyakkkkk....

Kepada Abang, bini sempat simpulkan 10 sebab mengapa bini sayang sangat2 kat abang (ala-ala 10 things I hate about you la pulak!) Mudah-mudahan entry ini menjadi peringatan kepada bini sekiranya pada masa akan datang bini ada terlintas untuk berbuat perkara yang tidak sepatutnya bini lakukan. Dan buat pengetahuan abang, sayang bini pada abang makin bertambah setiap hari tau!:

1. Sebab Abang sangat-sangat penyabar
2. Sebab Abang mencintai bini lebih dari bini mencintai Abang… Walaupun hanya lebih 5%.. ehehehhe
3. Abang sangat-sangat rajin membantu bini tanpa berleter atau mengeluh (yang bini tak pernah terlintas Abang mampu lakukan)
4. Abang sangat pemurah pada bini. Langsung tidak pernah berkira! Keep it up baby! :mrgreen:
5. You're my only real Doraemon that I could find in this world. Seriously! You everytime take out anything that you could from your pocket just to make me happy!
6. Abang amat menghormati bini sebagai seorang isteri di sisi Abang. Bini hargai sangat2!
7. Abang tidak pernah mengongkong bini malah selalu bertolak ansur dalam segala hal berkaitan masalah rumahtangga kita.
8. Abang sangat banyak berubah (ke arah kebaikan), 360 darjah berbanding hari pertama bini kenali Abang. Terima kasih Abang!
9. Abanglah pendengar setia kepada setiap keluhan bini (walaupun kadang2 bini tahu Abang buat-buat mendengar jek :???: )
10. Abang memang bukanlah lelaki paling sempurna di dunia, tapi, Abanglah lelaki yang Tuhan anugerahkan terbaik buat bini. Dan bini amat bertuah memiliki Abang sebagai suami!

Kerana itulah bini amat menyayangi Abang Muzamil Azwal b. Mokhtar!

Selamat Ulangtahun Perkahwinan Yang ke-2 Abang!

Bini sayang abang sangat2 tau! Bini bahagia sangat2 selama hidup bersama abang selama 2 tahun ni...
Semoga Allah memberkati perkahwinan kita hingga ke akhir hayat... Aminnnnn....

I love you Baby!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Gathered and makan-makan

7 orang pot pet
It was so long huh that I didn't update my blog?

Actually, I got lots of things to be shared lately. It’s matter of time that makes me so slow to update it here. Busy a bit…. Really have not enough time.

Okay, I better start with photos of food that we had in San Francisco Steak House at KLCC. This event attended by me, Puan Dongan, Cik Suhai and Puan Mastur. Though it was Wednesday night, we still had very great time that night. We gossiping, until we don’t even realize (or we don’t even bother :lol: ) that we laugh so loud inside there. What ashamed huh? Sekali sekala…. Apa salahnya :mrgreen:

[caption id="attachment_1679" align="aligncenter" width="240" caption="Our appetizer. Nachos"]Our appetizer. Nachos[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1680" align="aligncenter" width="240" caption="My carbonara served with egg yolk (dongan happily helped me to finish the egg yolk)"]My carbonara served with egg yolk (dongan hsppily help me finish the egg yolk)[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1681" align="aligncenter" width="240" caption="Sue\'s pasta. Forgot the name. Looks almost the same like mine without the egg yolk"]Sue's pasta. Forgot the name. Looks almost same like mine without the egg yolk[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1682" align="aligncenter" width="240" caption="Dongan\'s lamb chop. This one nice!"]Dongan's lamb chop. This one nice![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1683" align="aligncenter" width="240" caption="Puan Mastur\'s steak."]Puan Mastur's steak.[/caption]

On Friday afternoon, I thought I’ll be having my lunch alone, since all of my colleagues went out with their friends. Suddenly, my aunt (Cik Noi) and her BFF, kak Liza called me. We heads to Midvalley and had our lunch at Nyonya Colors. The food…… Fuh! Soooo delicioux! I’m speechless. So worth it with the price! I better let the photos do the talking…

[caption id="attachment_1684" align="aligncenter" width="240" caption="Our food"]Our food[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1685" align="aligncenter" width="240" caption="The kueh nyonya. So yummy!"]The kueh nyonya. So yummy![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1686" align="aligncenter" width="240" caption="Nasi lemak with rendang (They served with 2 pieces of really big chicken rendang!) "]Nasi lemak with rendang (They served with 2 pieces of really big chicken rendang!) [/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1687" align="aligncenter" width="240" caption="The mee rebus. Also delicious!"]The mee rebus. Also delicious![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1688" align="aligncenter" width="240" caption="Last but not least, the cendol! Original taste with gula melaka! Slrrrp!"]Last but not least, the cendol! Original taste with gula melaka! Slrrrp![/caption]

And the satisfied faces....

[caption id="attachment_1689" align="aligncenter" width="240" caption="Me and cik Noi"]Me and cik Noi[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1690" align="aligncenter" width="240" caption="Me and kak Liza"]Me and kak Liza[/caption]

On Saturday night, my FIL treat us a western food at Keramat AU2. That wasn’t a high class restaurant or café or what so ever yang sewaktu dengannya. It’s just a normal food stall that serves western food with very reasonable price and taste. I’m so sorry that I forgot to snap any photos of the food that we had that night. Anyway, myself and hubby as usual had our lamb chop with black pepper gravy. Yummy! The event attended by me, hubby, bapak, my brother, my MIL, FIL and my SIL. Opah didn’t join us that night due to the rainy. All in all, everybody go home with very full stomach. So satisfying!

On Sunday afternoon, I, hubby and my bro sent bapak to LCCT. Bapak went back to Tawau after accompanying me here in KL for 2 months. I’m now missing the moment when bapak was here :cry: I know that I’ll be feeling this. But, life must go on. Bapak might be more comfortable when he stay at his house, at his own home sweet home. And I believe staying apart sometimes will make us appreciate more each other.

On Sunday night, again my FIL treat us a dinner. This time, we had it at Pizza Hut at Wangsa Maju. You might wondering why my FIL so generous in treating us lately? (Actually, he is very generous every time in treating us a food) Actually, last Sunday was my MIL birthday. So, rather than celebrating it at home (that was so usual for him), he better take us to any restaurant that we like and have the meal there. So, I as usual had my cream pasta and others had pizza, while my SIL had KFC. KFC? Yes! The Pizza Hut combines their shop with KFC. We were so full that night until I couldn’t even sit properly. Before go home, we had a free pizza desert (it’s complimentary for my MIL, cause her birthday fall on that day). Though it was like a bit hangus, it still ok lah for a free food :lol:

[caption id="attachment_1691" align="aligncenter" width="240" caption="Our celebrated Birthday girl (Birthday girl? My MIL always young inside ok!) Happy Birthday Mama!"]Our celebrated Birthday girl (Birthday girl? My MIL always young inside ok!) Happy Birthday Mama![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1693" align="aligncenter" width="240" caption="Close up to the complimentary pizza"]Close up to the complimentary pizza[/caption]

On Monday, my FIL again wanted to treat us dinner at Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa. But, I and hubby refused to join because we missed the plain rice at Opah’s house. So, only my MIL, FIL and my SIL had it there. They said, the taste was so-so. So, no regret in not joining. We feel so grateful having plain rice with Malay’s lauk-pauk and telur dadar. Slrrrpppp!

Ok guys, that’s all for update on my activities lately.

Later I will update more as my wedding anniversary is just around the corner :mrgreen:

I feel so rejuvenate after this back to back gathering with all my beloved family and friends lately. I love them so much! Muahhh!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Meaning of Amisah

6 orang pot pet
Have someone ask you about the meaning of your name?

Last time, lot of my friends asked me that question. And, at the same time, I always feel sad when I couldn’t find any meaning for my name (of course in Islam).

So, today, I just “gatal tangan” googling and yahooing in the internet and typed in my name in the search box. And…. I got this form this sites: Baby Name :

Amisah Name Meaning and Amisah Origin

The Name Amisah is a girl's name. The origin of the baby name Amisah is Latin with the meaning(s) depending on Gender/Origin being

Latin- Beloved
Amisah has the following similar or variant Names: Amata Amatah Amica amicah Amiciam Amiciah Amisa Amisah Amise Amisia Amisiah Amyca Amycah Amysa Amysah Amysia Amysiah Amysya Amysyah Amice

The name Amisah, is the 56881st most popular baby name at placing it in the top 79% of names by popularity

Though the meaning maybe not in Islam perspective, at least I found the meaning of my name, at last!

So, the conclusion, Amisah = beloved :mrgreen:

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What Can I do?

4 orang pot pet
I feel a bit distracted today. However…..

I’m grateful that I’m a professional in my profession.

I’m grateful that I’ve been patient with the situation that I faced in my working environment everyday.

I’m grateful ya Allah! I’m soooo grateful to YOU for all the experiences that I’ve gone through all this while…

Today, I heard from somebody in my office regarding the office matters that I posted last week before I went to KUantan for the budgeting workshop. Remember? About the “Taichi” fellow?

Hmmmmmm….. That’s why I said I’m grateful that I’ve been professional enough to face this small matter. I didn’t drag the problem too far until I have to feel tense or stress up to face the person. I don’t have any problem to communicate as usual with the person after all the arguments. And I don’t have to spread the news to the whole office about what happening…. I do story to some of my very close colleagues, but don’t have to be a big crowd to get any sympathy from any of them. Don’t have to get any sympathy from my boss… from my big boss… or from anybody that I don’t feel like they have to know about this small matter. Because…….. I have my blog to spread the news…. Hhahahahhaha…… Just joking ok! Actually, because I’m so lucky that all of you readers were there to read my entry though I know you wouldn’t understand what I’m talking about… Hohhohohohoho…. I just need you all to read it without having to know who's the person (the name to be exact)…. Without having to know the details of the problem, just read it and leave any comment if you feel like to.

I do feel a bit sad to hear when people talk bad things about me. My boss also asked me about the matter. And without feeling any fear, I storied to him about it from my point of view. I might be right, or I might be wrong. I don’t know. As far as I know, since I joined this gov. agency, I never get mad to anybody in my office as I did to this “Taichi” fellow. So, I guess……. She deserved what she gets from me last week. And, from my side, I think, I just need to act cool to face any of her friends (anybody that sides her). I know what I’m doing. I tried my best to help her. But, what can I do if she don’t feel like I’m helping her? What can I do if she thinks everybody doesn’t understand her? What can I do if she feels like she’s the only person that so busy in our department? What can I do? Do my works and Buat bodo jer lah… Sonang cito!

Oklah, forget about it. We better enjoy this song.... Come on guys... Let's sing it together!!!!!!

I haven't slept at all in days
It's been so long since we've talked
And I have been here many times
I just don't know what I'm doing wrong

What can I do to make you love me
What can I do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you there

There's only so much I can take
And I just got to let it go
And who knows I might feel better
If I don't try and I don't hope

Repeat Chorus

No more waiting, No more aching
No more fighting, No more trying

Maybe there's nothing more to say
And in a funny way I'm calm
Because the power is not mine
I'm just gonna let it fly

Repeat Chorus

Monday, March 2, 2009

Menghitung Hari.......

2 orang pot pet
Weekend baru-baru ni, sia rasa sangat-sangat penat. Nasib baik ada adik lelaki sia… Boleh dia tolong apa yang patut. ANtaranya…. Hehehhehe.. kasi setel laundry….. Terima kasih adikku sayang! :lol:

Hari Ahad hari tu, makcik sia yang tinggal di Dubai tu ada balik Malaysia. Memandangkan flight dia balik ke Tawau petang, kami pun plan lah buat gathering di rumah makcik sia di Serdang. Lepak ramai-ramai makan tengahari dan bercerita2… Kami kalau gathering yang mau kumpul semua orang ni memanglah susah… Family besar…. Mana yang ada jaklah kan…. Seronot! :D

Jam 3 petang, semua orang pigi airport kecuali sia dengan bapak. Sia memang ndak larat sangat-sangat. Rasa penat. Mata pun susah mau bukak. Jadi, bantai tidur la petang tu sambil tunggu diorang balik dari airport. Jam 5.3o petang, kami gerak ke rumah pakcik sia pulak. Pekena cendawan goreng. FYI, pakcik makcik sia sekarang ni sedang mengusahakan tanaman cendawan, cili dan juga membela ikan keli. Jadi, cendawan yang digoreng hari Ahad hari tu kiranya hasil tuaian perintis la tu… Alhamdulillah, menjadi jugak usaha diorang tuh….

Dekat jam 7 petang, kami gerak balik rumah. Sebelum balik tu, sempat lah sia drop by di rumah mertua hantar cendawan dengan cili. Lepas tu, beli setengah dozen Dunkin Donut sebab petang waktu tidur tu boleh pulak mimpi ternampak makcik sia (Cik Noi) makan donut. Memanglah ndak boleh tahan. Hehehehhe….

Memandangkan sampai di rumah pun sudah lambat, jadinya, makan malam pun lambat la. Bila makan malam lambat, tidur pun lambat lah. Bila tidur lambat, pagi besoknya….. bangun pun ala-ala lambat lah jugak…. Bila bangun ala-ala lambat, jawabnya, sampai opis pun bukan on time la kan? Hmmmm…. Domino games….

Sedikit update pasal hubby pulak. Sekarang ni hubby telah berada di kemuncak kursus selama 2 bulan tu… Hubby sekarang bermalam di hutan daripada hari Ahad baru ni. Hari Selasa pagi baru balik ke kem. Dannnnnn….. insya Allah, hari Jumaat malam hubby balikkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!! Yahooooo!!!!!!!!! Yippieeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bestnyaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Menghitung hari….. Detik demi detik….. Ecececcece… macam Krisdayanti lah pulak…. Ehehehhe…. :mrgreen:

To end entry kali ini, mari layan lagu fav sia lagi :D

Called her for the first time yesterday
Finally found the missing part of me
Felt so close, but you were so far away
Left me without anything to say

Now I'm speechless,
over the edge just
I never thought
That I'd catch
This love bug again
Head over heels,
In the moment,
I'd never thought
That I'd get hit by
This love bug again

I can't get your smile out of my mind
(i can't get you out of my mind)
I think about your eyes all the time
Your beautiful, but you don't even try
(you don't even, don't even try)
Modesty is just so hard to find

Repeat Chorus

Kissed her for the first time yesterday
Everything I wish that it would be
Suddenly, I forgot how to speak
Hopeless, Breathless, Baby can't you..see

Now I'm!

Repeat Chorus


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