It’s the 5th day of Ramadhan today. I think, it will never be too late to wish everybody a Happy Ramadhan…. May Allah give us the strength to go thru this month and give us the opportunity to gain as much pahala throughout the month, insya Allah!
As for the mak buyung, alhamdulillah… I haven’t missed any day of fasting yet… Hope Allah will give me the energy and always let me and the baby inside stay in a healthy condition while we fasting.
Since I’m now almost reaching my due date, I’m expecting that I will not be hosting any buka puasa event at my house for this year. So, I and hubby will be only buka puasa at my in law’s place or other family’s places all over Klang Valley and Bentong as well (insya Allah on this coming Saturday if I haven’t delivered yet).
And when I say no buka puasa event that means there will be no Raya Open House as well… Well… That time, I’ll be in my confinement month… So, mama glam have to get as much rest as she can get at that time…
So, since there will be no Raya Open House at our house this year, last week I held a birthday party event and invite almost all my friends and families to come over to our house to celebrate Aimee’s 2nd birthday… We invited more than 200 people including adults and children… And alhamdulillah…. Lots of people came and make our house so full on that day. And the most important thing, the birthday girl so happy to see lots of her friends came to our house and celebrating her birthday together. As a parent, that will be more than enough to pay off the tiredness when holding such an event…
So, to families and friends who could make it on that day, no words can describe how we appreciate your time for coming over to celebrate our princess birthday. Thank you so much and we hope you all having a good time and enjoyed the simple food that we serve you. And please forgive us if we lack of anything during the party ya! Again, we really appreciate it! So much!
Ok, so, to those who can’t make it on that day, no worries… There are no heart feeling at all. We understood that some of you have to attend to other function and family gathering as well… So, Insya Allah, if we were to hold a same event next year, you are more than welcome to come over ok!
So, you all, enjoy the piccas during the event ya!